Salamanders, regrowing new body parts, and pharma!

ohio_salamanderGo read “Macrophages are required for adult salamander limb regeneration”.

Unfortunately, gaining an understanding of the identity of the “…macrophage-derived therapeutic molecules…” that “..may therefore aid in the regeneration of damaged body parts…” could take quite a few years given the pace of  academic-based research.  What if, instead of having the academics write an application for  research funding year after tedious year, that some deep-pocketed pharma company picked up the tab and provided resources to accelerate the research?  Might real success happen sooner? Could damaged or missing body parts and organs be regrown in 10-15 years instead of 20-40? I’m all for seeking cures and treatments for other noxious diseases but being able to regrow a child’s missing leg or the kidney of a mom seems a worthwhile pursuit to me. Given that the regeneration process is likely somewhat preprogrammed, regeneration could potentially only need the right biochemical initiators and enablers to proceed.

I’m sure that some will write that what I’ve written is naive and unrealistic.  But, flying machines, walking on the moon, ball point pens, (pick your favorite first-world device/invention) were all ideas that were smiled at by those who knew better. There is no better time to start the journey to that future then today!

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